TWK at the company contact fair 2021 - joint career planning at eye level

Apply and deepen the theory taught in the degree programme in practice. This is possible together with TWK. In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences in Wedel, students and high school graduates have the opportunity to make important contacts with companies during their studies.

On 16 November, the company contact fair will take place in Wedel from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., offering numerous students and high school graduates the opportunity to get to know suitable contacts for their career planning. Almost 80 companies have been invited to present themselves in the digital space and offer young adults career prospects and insights into the respective companies.

TWK has repeatedly been represented at the company contact fair and would like to give students from Wedel University of Applied Sciences the opportunity to gain practical experience in a company alongside their studies. This is possible in the subject areas: Business Administration, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business Informatics, IT Management and Industrial Engineering. The managing directors Dr. Felix and Dr. Hannwelm Steinebach report positively on the cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Wedel so far. In addition to numerous technical discussions, in selected cases the students had the opportunity to take up a working student position at TWK. Even today, many of the students we had the pleasure of getting to know in the past years are still working for us, says Dr. Hannwelm Steinebach.

As a medium-sized company, TWK attaches great importance to young talents being able to gain practical experience at an early stage. For this reason, students are encouraged who get involved in projects of their own accord, who are interested in their field with joy and curiosity and who are interested in a long-term cooperation with TWK. With an exciting lecture by the head developer Dr. Kamil Rezer on the topic: "Sensor development at TWK: from a prototype to series production", practical insights into the activities of product development will be made possible. In this context, the development of a sensor system for industrial applications as well as all relevant process steps will be addressed. Before the lecture, Dr Hannwelm Steinebach and Kamil Rezer will be available for a personal conversation in the live chat.